A Doodle For Saturday:
Shy Pigeon and Outgoing Seagull:
Seagull and Pigeon Take Manhattan By Storm:
I can’t believe it’s been a whole week since Hurricane Sandy raged through our area. When I decided to draw every day this month, it was to get back to drawing every day, and because I was stuck at home with a lot of nervous energy and no way to physically help the people who got the worst of the storm. We were very fortunate, but many in my area were not. Things are starting to get better, but we’re not back to normal yet and won’t be for a while. The hardest hit areas will probably take years to recover. The pigeon and seagull are birds I see in my neighborhood every day. In a time where things aren’t the way they used to be, the birds are the one constant, and so they seemed like a good way for me to channel some of my frustration with the storm.
Other things I can do are donate, and help spread the word about how to help people affected by Hurricane Sandy. If you want to help and are able to help, here are some places to start:
American Red Cross (They list several ways to help on their site, and also how you can get help if you need it.)
The Humane Society (To help our furry friends, many who were left homeless after the storm.)
A more extensive list of how you can help, from NBC / Rock Center with Brian Williams
A list for how to help if you live in the NY area, from The Gothamist
Auctions from the children’s book community, with items for writers and illustrators:
Kidlit Cares
Kidlit Community Giving Back To Benefit Red Cross (Look on the sidebar for a list of auction posts in Oct. and Nov. or scroll through the blog – all posts are auction posts)
If you live in NYC and need help:
NYC Food and Water Distribution Locations
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